Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Catcher in the Rye (1)

This summer, I'm reading The Catcher in the Rye. So far (as of page 40), the main character, Holden, seems to be yet another angsty and apathetic teenager that doesn't really like anyone or anything. His parents seem to have shipped him off to some sort of boarding/reform school because of some trouble he's gotten into in the past or something. Apparently this didn't really help things, because the first few pages reveal that Holden got kicked out of school (again?). After supplying some (intentionally vague) background information, Holden visits one of his sort-of favorite teachers. The visit is super awkward. After that unfortunate encounter, Holden sort of gets into a fight with one of his semi-friends from school (this is a flashback).

He seems like an overly mopey and judgmental kid until he reveals that his younger brother died of leukemia, at which point you feel like a complete douche for judging him. This mopey I-hate-school-and-don't-understand-changes-happening-in-my-body-and-around-me phase is a pretty common occurrence in teen/YA books. I suppose it's mildly evocative of Ender's Game. Ender, like Holden, has a tough time making friends. I bet those two could have a great mope sesh together.

I can completely empathize with Holden, except for the dead younger brother thing. I feel pretty bad for him as far as that goes. But the whole teenager thing? Ya, I'm living it right now. I hate school too, man. *hugs

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